In the few short days that we have had it, we have all fallen in love. We ended up going with a brand new 2015 Toyota Sienna, the Limited edition, and it is so fancy! It is probably more than we need, but once we drove it, it was hard to go back to the ones with less bells and whistles. I'm still not sure that I like that it has a TV in it, but it was nice for the road trips we took this past weekend. The van has a ton of safety features, it has plenty of room to change a diaper or nurse a baby, and even Andy "I'm never ever driving a mini van" really, really, really likes it. I was afraid I would have buyer's remorse the next morning but I totally didn't. After all, I have to transport precious cargo!
We set off on our first minivan adventure the very next morning. We headed to Green Bay to go to Bay Beach. Ben loved it last year, and it did not disappoint this year either! There is no entrance fee and the tickets cost $0.25 a piece. We literally spent $5 the whole time we were there. Ben was loving all the rides! He looks so grown up compared to last year. Too big, too fast!
I got lots of Joshy snuggles that day. Love this baby boy so much!!!
The only ride Josh and I went on was the train. We didn't mind though. :)
Another highlight was our picnic lunch in the van.
Look at these cool dudes peeking out of the sunroof!
On Sunday, we headed to Madison for Andy's back to school picnic. It was fun to meet some of Andy's classmates that I have heard so much about, and it was also nice to talk to some of the newbies. I got to warn the wives about how tough it is for us moms! ;)
Tonight, I was able to get out of work a little early, so we headed to the Wisconsin State Fair! Look at how little Ben was at the fair 2 years ago!! Sadly, I did not do a great job taking pictures tonight. It's a little more challenging when you have 2 boys that want to be held plus you're pushing a double stroller. ;)
These little piggies totally reminded me of "Charlotte's Web" and suddenly the barn smell didn't bother me quiet as much anymore. ;)
Gosh, I love spending time with my 3 boys. I want to remember all of these fun times we spend together. I have 1000's of photos, but is is nice to have a few pictures in a blog post help bring back the memories. I am one blessed momma.
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