Tuesday, July 5, 2016

18 Months (6/18/2016)

Josh is more like 18.5 months now, but better late than never!

GENERAL:  My big 1 and a half year old!!  I can't believe this sweet boy is getting so big!  I just love him to pieces.  He gets smarter and funnier by the day.  He is Ben's little shadow and it's hard not to laugh sometimes, even when he is causing mischief.  Joshy-pie is a happy guy, well, as long as he is getting what he wants!  I love that he is saying, "CHEESE" in every picture, which he says pretty much anytime he sees me taking a picture.

SLEEP: Oh sleep.  It was a fairly rough month, but things have been a bit better lately.  If I'd have to guess, I'd say he probably wakes up at least half of the nights during a given week these days, maybe less.  Sometimes he will go back to sleep right away, sometimes he will cry for a long time, even if we go in there several times.  It's so hard not to feel bad when he is screaming "MAMA! DADA!" at the top of his lungs.  He is also starting to not go down as nicely as he used to.  He knows he is missing out on fun!  He usually is down at 7:00PM and wakes up at 6:00AM.  He does not wake up a minute later than 6:02-- even when up late on the 4th of July!  He has been taking nice, 2+ hour naps most days too.     He has a new toddler bed up in Ben's room, but he basically laughed in my face the 2 times I tried to get him to nap in it!  He loves jumping on in and knows he can climb right out, so he does both of those things.  We'll keep trying!

EATING:  His eating has been pretty good.  We have been really trying to limit both of the boys' snacking, which has helped a lot.  They are more hungry for meals, though Ben would still rather do anything!  Josh has yet to get sick of Cheerios and milk for breakfast every single morning.  He now says "eat" and points to the kitchen after his morning snuggles in our bed.  He is taking after his  brother in the string cheese and fruit department.  We are working on getting him to drink more milk and fluids in general.

COMMUNICATION/COGNITION: He does not miss A THING.  He probably has around 20 words?  He is talking more but still does a lot of pointing and grunting/crying to get what he wants.  He knows several animal sounds and he is such a good helper.  He is so good at being gentle and if you say "wow!" for whatever reason, he will go and give you a hug and a kiss.  He loves reading books and he especially loves his baby "Highlights" magazine where you have to find the hidden objects.   He is still soooo attached to me but it seems to be getting a little better in terms of getting ready in the morning without him crying for me to hold him.

FINE/GROSS MOTOR:  He is off the charts for his fine and gross motor skills.  He is a monkey!  He is always climbing and jumping/ free-falling.  He figured out how to put one of the pillows from the couch on the floor and he then falls forward on to the pillow.  He cries only if he gets hurt REALLY badly-- way less than we would expect!  These name chairs, for example, make great jumping boards when you turn them on their side and climb on them.  Stinker!

Joshy, you have made the last year and a half so much fun!  We love watching you play with your big brother and we can't wait for your turn in the big brother role.  You are the sweetest little one year old and we love your snuggles, hugs, and kisses so much.  

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