Tuesday, July 26, 2016

37 Weeks (7/25/2016)

How far along: 37 weeks!  Today, I am 37 weeks and 1 day--exactly how far along I was when I got to meet Ben!  Crazy.  And only 13 days until we get to meet this one!
Maternity clothes: Yep!  Looking forward to packing them away though.  (Until next time…hahah!)
Best moment this week: I'm not sure if I wrote about this, but my ultrasound went well last week.  Baby is measuring small, which is just normal for me.  The docs were not worried at all.  The estimated weight was 5#8oz of sweet baby boy or girl!!
Movements:  Lots and lots of movements!
Miss anything:  I'm ready to move more easily again. :)
Sleep: Sleep has been rough this past week or so!  I've been up for 2-3 hours at a time overnight.  It seems like the minute I finally fall asleep I hear a little voice saying, "momma!" over and over on the monitor.  (Could be Ben, could be Josh)  I have been trying to not look at the time when I wake up in the night because that just stresses me out and keeps me up even longer.  Last night, Ben came down twice and ended up in our bed around 2:00AM.  I moved to his bed at 3:00AM and sleep like a dream until 6:00AM.  ;)  Overall, I'm just exhausted lately.  By the time I get home from work,  I can barely keep my eyes opened!  I had wanted to get caught up on my weekend blog posts but I just don't see that happening in the next 13 days.
Anything make you sick or queasy?  Strong scents are making me a little queasy lately.  I'm actually surprised that odors didn't bother me sooner this time around!
Exercise: I'm still doing DVDs when I'm not completely exhausted.
Looking forward to:  My cousin is getting married this weekend!  I'm also REALLY looking forward to meeting this baby!!!!  I'm so excited for the boys to meet their baby!  And of course Andy too!

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